Farm Lot for Sale
This farm lot is located in San Antonio Magalang Pampanga Philippines with the lot area of more tha 2 Hectares and sold to 1,000 pesos per square meter.
This Farm Lot has existing fishpond and chicken cop , fruit bearing trees like mangos, dwarf coconut and tamarind. Garden with Nipa Hut or kubo is build already in this property with Electric and Jetmatic or water pump. They have also under Construction Building inside. This property is will develop already and it has 100% security because it has fence surrounding the whole property

This Lot is located in Umingan Pangasinan, Philippines , selling price is 150 pesos per square meter.
This Lot is good for solar panel project, piggery and many more.
1,300 Hectares Lot for Sale

This Lot is located in Mabini Pangasinan, Philippines , with the selling price of 35 pesos per square meter.
This Lot is good for mining and quarry because this property has a lot of minerals can be found in this area Like copper, silver and gold.